Institut Destrée - The Destree Institute



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      Colloque "La prospective territoriale comme outil de gouvernance, organisé par le Pôle Prospective de l'Institut Jules-Destrée, à l'initiative de la Présidence du Gouvernement wallon, le 28 septembre 2002 à Seneffe. Graphisme Laurent Bonivert, d'après une idée de la CRPM.

Gouvernement wallon - Contrat d'avenir pour la Wallonie

  Territorial foresight as a tool in governance - 28.09.02.  

Context and goal


Institut Destrée, Centre de recherche européen basé en Wallonie

28 September 2002
Seneffe's castle

A l'initiative de la Présidence
 du Gouvernement wallon

  La prospective territoriale comme outil de gouvernance  Territorialent Zukunftsforschung als Regierungswerkzeug  Territorial foresight as a tool in governance


Context and goal of the symposium

Territorial foresight as a tool in governance is asserting itself more and more widely in the European Union and at the global level. Wallonia and its Government are not letting this development pass them by.

"Accordingly, a consensus has emerged for the definition of foresight as a rigorous process – generally carried out on a cross-disciplinary basis and in networks – which makes it possible to reveal evolutionary trends, to identify continuities, ruptures and divergences in the variables (players and factors) in the environment, as well as to determine the range of possible futures. In this way, it enables us to frame coherent strategies and to improve the quality of the decision to be taken. It is one of the techniques necessary for proactivity, the attitude of those who anticipate events in their reflections, who act to provoke the changes desired, and who seize the new opportunities"[1].

As a player which drives and mobilises the territory of Wallonia, the Walloon Government is aware of the importance of the structured linkage of a foresight process with the various key parties involved, in other words the fields of research, the socio-economic players, businesses and the civil society.

 In addition, the various European experiments conducted in the area constitute markers and working methods which Wallonia needs to valorise as well as possible, notably in the framework of its interregional co-operation strategy.

 It is against this background that the Walloon Government has entrusted to the Foresight Pole of the Jules-Destrée Institute the organisation of a day of work and exchanges of European experiences on the strength of various lights being shed on the relevance of territorial foresight for strategic regional steering. Methodological approaches and practical cases will form the central thrusts of the meeting.

[1] Charter of the Walloon Society for Evaluation and Foresight, adopted at its General Assembly on 29 April 2000 in Namur.



Mission prospective Wallonie 21 - Rapport au Ministre-Président du Gouvernement wallon


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  The Destree Institute The Destrée Institute,
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