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A l'initiative de la Présidence du Gouvernement wallon Gouvernement wallon - Contrat d'avenir pour la Wallonie Retour à l'index de Wallonie-en-ligne, portail de l'Institut Jules-Destrée

Territorial foresight as a tool in governance - 28.09.02.

28 september 2002  

  La prospective territoriale comme outil de gouvernance  Territorialent Zukunftsforschung als Regierungswerkzeug  Territorial foresight as a tool in governance


The importance of foresight for the territory


Gaining a better understanding of the changes - global or local - which have a retroactive effect on the territory and deducing from that understanding the issues for public action are the basic principles of any competitive territory.

Foresight is a privileged process for any society attentive to its development, and it seeks to give the territories – and the people who live there – a vision serving strategic action, and thus a project.

The questions of the mastery of knowledge, of the appropriation by the players and of the will of public action are among the dimensions, at the heart of any territorial foresight exercise, which a very large quantity of diverse methods are striving to grapple with.

By way of introduction, this round table will lay the foundations and the uses of foresight, applied to territorial development in the framework of its relation to strategic action as an instrument to support decision-making. This involvement with the subject by the global relevance of foresight will be carried out by a mixed panel of practitioners and experts, public and private alike.


Exercises in territorial foresight in the European Union : strategic issues and operational approach


The methods used must be pragmatic : in other words they must give priority to action and practice. To quote Hugues de Jouvenel, an operational imperfection is better than a perfection which is not operational.

How is territorial foresight organised in other territorial contexts? What are its purposes, its players and its organisational modalities? What can we say about its appropriation by the decision-makers and the civil society?

This panel made up of practitioners will seek to report on some practical cases and thus to illuminate the Walloon exercise by an exchange of experiments carried out in other regions of the European Union.


Regional foresight system in Wallonia: presentation of the ongoing work and future developments


Improving the quality of public decision-making is the central issue for the foresight process initiated in Wallonia. This objective fits within the prospect of an organised framework of exchanges between players through mechanisms for animation, consultation and legitimisation involving the greatest number of parties. The question of its linkage to the Contract for the Future of Wallonia occurs automatically according to this approach.

This framework raises a series of strategic questions. What missions should we assign to the Regional Foresight System of Wallonia in the fields of research, decision-making advice and foresight? How can we apply them operationally? What are the fields for its application? What is its framework of expertise? Which should be the driving principles and modalities developing behind the conduct and the dissemination of information? What are the resources available which can be pooled?

The final panel made up of experts from the universities and the Studies and Statistics Service of the Walloon Region will be specifically devoted to these questions of the development of Wallonia's future foresight tool.

Mission prospective Wallonie 21 - Rapport au Ministre-Président du Gouvernement wallon


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  The Destree Institute The Destrée Institute,
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