The Destree Institute, European research centre based in Wallonia

Foresight & Complexity: 
Increasing Accuracy and Effectiveness of Decision-Making

20th June 2007 - 2.30-4.30 pm

Brussels, Conrad Hotel (78, avenue Louise, 1050 Bruxelles)

The publication of Mika Aaltonen's book "The Third Lens: Multi-ontology Sense-Making and Strategic Decision-Making" is a good opportunity for the Destree Institute to organise a seminar about "Foresight & Complexity:  Increasing Accuracy and Effectiveness of Decision-Making". This workshop proposes to share the basic ideas of "The Third Lens": the nature of a project, its work and its strategic landscape, as well as the importance of time in the analysis.



Opening of the meeting

Philippe Destatte
The Destree Institute, Director general

A foresight model for evaluating long-term growth: Formel-G

Stefan Bergheim
Deutsche Bank, Senior Economist

Responding complex sense-making challenges

Mika Aaltonen
StraX, Helsinki University of Technology,
Head & Chairman of the Board

Open Discussion

Some learnings of the meeting

Elie Faroult
DG Research, European Commission

Céline Hermand, Research Fellow, Foresight Unit
The Destree Institute
hermand.celine [@]

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Institut Destrée, Centre de recherche européen basé en Wallonie

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