Institut Destrée - The Destree Institute



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En direct de Vienne, samedi 19 février 2000 :
Message de Sascha Ignjatovic
Internet Society Vienna Chapter

Message posté ce 20 février sur la liste de la Coordination européenne des Chapitres de l'Internet Society :

Hi all...

I just want to let you know that today - saturday 19th of February -, we had the biggest political demonstration in Austria since the 1950..

We had about 300.000 people coming together on the place where Hitler was holding his unity speach between Germany and Austria - Austria was annexed by Germany at this time. The place was too small to accommodate all who now protest against this center-far right coalition government...

The interesting fact is that Internet is and still plays a very importent role for this people who are against this kind of government and its ideology and programs.

Internet is heavily used by young people to communicate, inform and coordinate their daily protests. The government is saying already that "the old left wing from 1968 and the Internet generation" are against them" - because very many young people are participating, they are also called cyber kids protesters, as they organize themselves with Internet and cellular phones... :-)

At the main stage tonight where many prominent speakers - also guests from France and other countries -, at the end a puzzle of letters was formed into a word,  RESISTANCE - this is the word people use to show their disapproval and their will to bring this government down.

This word in German, WIEDERSTAND, was written W I E D E R S T @ N D,   R E S I S T @ N C E  !

You recognize the internets @ in the word.. :-) and, during the demo and after seeing this @, I have recognized that the Internet is becoming a new political model ! Globalism "vs" natioanlism, global cooperation vs nationalistic separation...

This new global understanding was partialy inspired by Internet which for itself is the best model for global cooperation... Do you know what this mean...!?:-) We have slowly but surely started to think about how "internet model" is influencing our political systems of the future...

"Be aware and prepare.." :-)




L'Institut Destrée L'Institut Destrée,
ONG partenaire officiel de l'UNESCO (statut de consultation) et 
en statut consultatif spécial auprès du Conseil économique et social
des Nations Unies (ECOSOC) depuis 2012
  The Destree Institute The Destrée Institute,
NGO official partner of UNESCO (consultative status) and 
in Special consultative status with the United Nations Economic
and Social Council (ECOSOC) since 2012  -  -  ©   Institut Destrée - The Destree Institute