Month of 2005/5/1 to 2005/5/31: Navigation Report

The navigation report reveals the most frequently used routes followed among the web pages on the site. This report often causes great concern, because a webmaster's idea of how their site should be used is often very different from the way the site is really used! This report reveals the truth about the way your users actually use your site.

Because the report contains so much incredibly useful information, it must be presented in PDF format and, for best results, it should be printed out. Trust us: it's absolutely worth the effort to print out this report, lay it all out on the floor or on your bulletin board and study the information it reveals!

Please note: the thickest lines shown between individual web pages are the most frequently-used routes. "Skinny" lines represent less popular routes. The top 50 of 20070 nontrivial page transitions are shown in the report.

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