Institut Destrée - The Destree Institute



Recherche scientifique

Education permanente





Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information - WSIS

SMSI - Veille et gouvernance de l'internet - Pôle Information de l'Institut Jules-Destrée
WSIS - Watch and governance of the Internet - Information Unit of the Destree Institute

Forum sur la Gouvernance de l'Internet - Internet Governance Forum

Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information
World summit on the information society
Genève 2003 - Tunis 2005

Cuba reminds that, despite the advances achieved in the fields of science and technology, asymmetries still continue to exist. It evokes that the “digital divide” creates new contrasts within countries. In 2001, for example, the countries with the highest income concentrated 73% of the Internet users and 95,5% of the computers connected to it. By 2002 it was estimated that only 2,4 % of humankind acceded to the Internet, while between 50 and 60% struggled against poverty. Cuba affirms that Internet should not remain in the hands of the main owners of transnational capitals.

Therefore, it considers as imperative the creation of a democratic intergovernmental institution to regulate it and to promote international cooperation and transference of financial and technology resources. There is a need for an international revolution in the field of education and it is possible to eradicate illiteracy and to extend the education up to the sixth grade throughout the world.

World map Wallonie 2020, 5ème congrès La Wallonie au futur WSIS countries - North America North America   WSIS countries - Central America and the Carribean Central America and
the Carribbean
  SMSI countries - Europe Europe   SMSI countries - Middle East Middle East   SMSI countries - Asia Asia
Countries SMSI countries - South America South America   WSIS countries - Africa Africa     WSIS countries - Oceania Oceania



Index - WSIS, Watch & governance of the Internet - SMSI, Veille et gouvernance de l'internet - The Destree Institute


L'Institut Destrée L'Institut Destrée,
ONG partenaire officiel de l'UNESCO (statut de consultation) et 
en statut consultatif spécial auprès du Conseil économique et social
des Nations Unies (ECOSOC) depuis 2012
  The Destree Institute The Destrée Institute,
NGO official partner of UNESCO (consultative status) and 
in Special consultative status with the United Nations Economic
and Social Council (ECOSOC) since 2012  -  -   ©   Institut Destrée  -  The Destree Institute